Izzy's Armored Truck

Izzy's Armored Truck

Wednesday, September 15, 2010


Today is a sluggish day.
I haven't received an e-mail or call from Izzy since Monday.
I don't know if I have said it, but - I feel like I'm on the moon.  No one from the police bureau or the military has called me.  Not like I expect a call from anyone, but I feel like someone should have called me.  If I was a union rep from the bureau I would have called to make sure there were no un-answered questions.  If I were from the military I would have called to ask if Tricare was set up and if there were any questions.  I don't want to have a problem before I figure out who to talk to.
When Izzy left he told me the health insurance would be taken care of and that there was some sort of agreement between the city and the union.  I know it was up to me to handle it, but I had questions.  I had to figure this out.  Why was there a portion of the form that asked for my routing number and why did it say that it was for automatic withdraw from our checking account?  I took the form to HR downtown and had to wait to talk to someone.  I took the initiative to make sure at least part of this went smoothly.  What about the rest of the questions?  It was/is true - there is an agreement between the city and the union that our health insurance will be maintained.  Why wasn't there a pamphlet about what to expect when your spouse is deployed?  There should be something and even a monthly phone call to make sure you are making ends meet, don't have any problems getting access to Tricare, aren't having depression issues, etc.  If there had been that phone call, I might not have felt like I was on the moon.
I spoke with Dan (Izzy's Sgt at the bureau) and he was looking into finding out more information.  He said there was someone and that he would e-mail me that information.  I shared Izzy's contact information and that  I knew he landed in Afghanistan.
I don't have anymore information to share.  When I get either a phone call or an e-mail, then I will share what I know and a mailing address to send cards and letters.
On a more positive note, the concrete foundation is poured.  We will be pulling the forms off next week and then start on the walls.  I will have to get a concrete specialist in to deal with the floor/driveway.  I want it perfect so that there are no puddles inside if a car brings water in because its been raining.  You know it does that here sometimes.
It feels good to get things out on virtual paper.  I don't feel like I'm going to explode from the stress, at least not today!

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