Izzy's Armored Truck

Izzy's Armored Truck

Thursday, September 2, 2010

The Stress of Today

I never know when I'm going to be thrown for a loop.
Today Mimi asked me to take her to the DA's office so she could meet with the DA on the trial of her ex-boyfriend for menacing.  She was proactive and gathered her phone records and had all of her ducks in a row.  We got there and waited in the vic's lounge and I watched as she bit her nails and hands shook.  I know how hard this is for her.
When the DA came in she didn't look as enthusiastic as I would have expected.  I thought this would be a slam-sunk case where she goes in and testifies that the guys did this, this, and this and he is remanded to the county jail for time he needs to serve.  It wasn't like that.  It came down to the fact that Mimi's former friend set her up and called the ex-boyfriend and lied through her teeth about it to the police and to Mimi.  It's not that the dirt ball didn't menace Mimi, but he came to meet her at a destination set up by that slimy ex-friend.  I don't know what the motivation was for all this except that they were not speaking and engaged in any friendship type activities.
There is a light at the end of this tunnel.  Mimi can pursue this at a later date if necessary.  It really doesn't change what she did or the fact that she set her up.
Mimi's move improved drastically when she came home to a letter from Z.  She also was invited to go to italy with him and I think she is considering it.
We also went to anatomy tattoo to get her tattoo covered up. She sat with the artist for about  30 minutes and found her design.  It's scheduled for Monday.  Then we went to the gym and worked out until I nearly dropped.  My legs are noodles and my arms are sore.  In a good kind of way though.
Mr. Y didn't call me tonight for our nightly 4 minute conversation.  I hope he is ok.  I know his back is a little tender, but he will get by!  The nice part is that I will also get through it.
Sleep now before I get too rummy to write!  Talk to you tomorrow.

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