Izzy's Armored Truck

Izzy's Armored Truck

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Do I Dare Post Today?

Well - Before I jump on the band wagon, let me say that I am not posting because today is September 11.  I'm posting because I am the wife of a soldier.  My Marine friend would say otherwise. (Apparently the specific definition is: fightertrooperservicemanservicewomanwarriorGIpeacekeeperarchaic man-at-arms)  This is my husband in more form than one.  He is a civilian peacekeeper and a soldier in the military.  
I'm outraged by an ignorant fool who would burn the Quran on today's date in some sort of protest on the attacks on the US in 2001.  That would be a stupid thing to do.  And here we are, fighting to defend his right to be stupid.  Sure, it make perfect sense (note my hint of sarcasm there).  I'm outraged because it would cause more harm than good.  It might make that one little guy and his little church feel good, but it wouldn't do anything to help our soldiers overseas.  In fact, it would raise tensions and hinder peacekeeping activity.  The military needs all the support this country can give.

Let me leave you on this note:
When the twin towers were destroyed on that epic day, I was a zombie for days.  Most of you who know me, know I would rather eat a cockroach than talk to strangers.  I felt myself asking random people walking down the street if they were OK.  The silence was deafening for the weeks that followed the attacks.
I do notice weird things more often now.  An illegally parked van in front of the post office and some strange dark-skinned guy pacing back and forth about 10 feet from the van, a backpack left on the bus by some kid that was too distracted to remember it.  Some things don't just feel right anymore.  We need to hold strong to who we are and be consistent in what we say and do.  
much love my friends!

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