Izzy's Armored Truck

Izzy's Armored Truck

Thursday, September 30, 2010

It's Just the Simple/Not So Simple Things

You know how when you get into the shower in the morning the temperature can set the tone for your day. If you run out of hot water it can start the rest of your day in a funk.  But, if you get the temp just right it can make your whole body feel good.  It felt so good to just let the water wash over me.  It drained the stress from lack of sleep and put me in the right frame of mind.  I know - It's the simple things.

Getting Sarah ready for school in the morning is challenging.  She's like her dad.  She isn't a morning or a night person.  She is a middle of the day kind of person.  Sarah doesn't function well in the morning and she can be the crankiest person on the planet.  Not only that, but she is the best negotiator I have ever seen. I have no idea how this started and I'll be damned if I can change it.  If I say "You need to eat your dinner so you can get dessert" she will want to know how much does she need to eat in order to get it.  If I say ten bites then the negotiation is on.  She will counter with 8 bites and finally I just tell her she needs to eat it and I won't give her an answer.  If figured if I don't give in to this then she will have to just buck up and eat all of it.  AARGH!  This is one of the simple things I wish was easier.  Wait, maybe it's not so simple after all.

Now homework is a whole separate issue.  I don't think it's easy in the slightest.  It's not that the work is complicated, I know what I'm doing, it's working around all of the other things that's difficult.  Making dinner, helping Sarah with her homework, doing laundry, dishes (housekeeping in general) and finding time to have an adult conversation with anyone else is difficult.  There are only so many hours in the day and I don't want to sacrifice my grades to get the other things accomplished.  These classes are more time intensive than some of the others and I would rather the housekeeping suffer than the grades.  Sarah - well, you know how I feel about her.  She will always have top billing in the house.  I want her school experience to be as successful as the twins.  I want her to be happy in school and go as far as possible.

Are you wondering, at this point, why I'm taking time to write this blog?  Well it's simple really.  I can take what I'm feeling and thinking and put it into words to get it out of my system.  It reminds me of going to the gym and working up a really good cardio-sweat.  It takes the toxins out and I can start fresh.

Well, I guess I need to get back to the homework.  I have assignments due and need to study for the anatomy lab mid-term exam.
Have a wonderful day!

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