Izzy's Armored Truck

Izzy's Armored Truck

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Going Crazy

It's been nearly three weeks since I had the surgery and I am totally trapped by my lack of mobility.  I have the knee-scooter, but it requires someone to carry it up and down the stairs to go in and out of my house.  This isn't easy.  I won't be weight-bearing until somewhere in mid to late March.  Yeah - I know - it seems like forever.  It's not, it just feels like it is.  What would be totally cool is if there was a plywood ramp to the front sidewalk for me to use.  It would have to be so steep that I would be going about 30 MPH when I reached the sidewalk.  WHOO-HOOO!!!  It would be like the indy car race of the knee-scooters.  Of course there is no one here I could race.  Darn!
The knee-scooter is great for getting around my house.  Better on the hardwoods than the carpeting in the basement. Yeah, Dad carries it downstairs at night so I don't fall using the crutches in the middle of the night. Dad and I have been joking that I need a ramp to the basement to get the knee-scooter down the stairs to my room, but this would require I do some sort of acrobatic flip off of the scooter and land in bed.  Yeah - that's what I thought too.  I'm more than slightly uncoordinated. The only way I could stick that landing is if I was an Olympic gymnast.  I'M NOT!!! So much for competitive bed-landing.
As far as the weather goes - there is a forecast for snow this week.  I never expect snow when we get these "winter storm warnings" because nothing ever comes of them.  We live too close to sea level to get snow.  If for some reason we do get it, I will be ecstatic.  There is nothing more beautiful than snow on the ground.  I really like how it sparkles at night from the streetlights.  I'm ready.  I have wood on my porch (yes, I can get it myself even if it takes some doing), I have food in the fridge, and I have my Dad here helping me.  It's going to be OK, I can do this.
Thanks for still being here with me. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

awww kathi i wish i could live closer and help more! i know how frustrating it is to be helpless from lack of mobility! :( the worst part is the knowledge that you are so effing young there is no reason why you should have to rely on someone else to do normal everyday stuff for you like help you go up and down stairs! ugh babe i totally feel your pain and i wish so much that i could offer you some advice but it still makes me so angry to think about it that i can't really help :( i guess the good news is that you do have something to look forward to! i know march seems like forever but you can do it! you're such a strong momma! any spouse of a deployed service member is stronger than any words could ever describe, and you have kids and are going to school to boot! love you kathi and take care! please let me know if i can help in any way! even if it's just company or whatever! <3 u! nicky