Izzy's Armored Truck

Izzy's Armored Truck

Sunday, February 13, 2011


So,  I received a notice from Multnomah County Courthouse.  My first thought was this is a  subpoena from my FM days.  I opened it (and was happy find out) that it was not the case.  I haven't had any interaction with that environment for over five years.
I received a subpoena for jury duty.  I get my stitches out on the 17th of February but will still be in a cast.  Not really a big deal but I'm not sure how I will get past security with a knee scooter.  I'll be bored out of my tree though.  I know - Read a book, do a crossword, a word-find, anything to pass the time.  I'm not going to get picked; you know that right?  You can't be married to my guy (or any of those guys or ladies) and get picked.  I would be thrown off the jury faster than you can say detective.
Well, I'll do my civic duty and show up. If you are downtown on the 10th of March, feel free to stop by and say hi. Maybe we can have coffee at the courthouse.  I'm sure I'll run into a few old friends that have either graduated from the school of FM or the bad guys that used to steal from them.  It will be fun I'm sure.

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