Izzy's Armored Truck

Izzy's Armored Truck

Friday, February 11, 2011

For the College Students in My Life

Usually Friday is the day where everyone takes a deep breath from the week and looks to the weekend for some well deserved R & R.  Unless you work in the service industry, law enforcement or the medical field, this is true.  The College Students are no exception to this.  They believe as I do - The weekend really is just two other regularly scheduled days.  
With Mimi working in retail (while being a full-time student) she never actually gets a day off.  She's either at work or school.
Billy works at PSU performing scientific wonders (or just some really cool experiments) on Saturdays, but he goes to school Monday thru Friday.  And the chemistry classes he takes; oh my gosh - There isn't a single person I know that can wrap their head around what he reads and understands. Maybe I just need new friends.  LOL!!!
 Michael and Meagan are stressing over grad school and trying to keep up with mountains of reading,  homework, and regular work too.  They're more than full-time students, they both have part-time jobs.  Michael mentors and Meagan works in the transcript office.  There is never enough time to go to the gym or sleep without sacrificing studying.
Tasha may be the odd-man-out this time (even though she is a woman).  This is the first year since kindergarten she hasn't spent the weekend buried in homework.  Now she is writing lesson plans for the classroom, catching up on chores, and spending time with her family and friends.  This is the way her weekend should be.
There needs to be a "weekend" in there somewhere for the students to get a break from the weight of their class loads.
I have to say it though...And I know from experience; when spring break comes, the students (and really all of the students I have ever met) feel overwhelmed by the amount of time we have on our hands.  We cram every spare second we can into catching up on what we feel we've missed. We stay up late, go to the movies, read a non-school book just for fun, get out the Wii, go camping, or just fix something that's been driving us nuts.
We play like kids for a little while until some guilty feeling has us looking at our e-mail and checking to see if our grades have been published, checking to see if we are still wait-listed for that class we need to fill the requirement for graduation.  The other part of us wants to just "get it over with" so we can graduate and have that piece of paper on our wall, so we can get a job, and get settled into the rhythmic routine of our lives.
We're all looking for that ever-elusive weekend.
Find your weekend and embrace every minute of it doing what you need to feel fulfilled.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You are sweet Kat and Original :) - Diana