Izzy's Armored Truck

Izzy's Armored Truck

Thursday, February 24, 2011

You call this snow?

I was so excited to see the snow.   Weathermen sounded loony when they made their predictions, and then changed them 50 times.  It was snowing pretty good outside this morning when I decided to send Chris a message about the snow.  I wished he could have been with me when we woke up to it this morning.  He's just like a kid when it comes to this kind of thing.

Dad was able to take Sarah out this morning right after breakfast to play in the snow before it all started to melt off.  This picture was taken by my neighbor Christi while we were all outside.  These are our daughters in front of her home.  It's a great picture.  They are just over a year apart.  Nice to have a kid next door to play with.
When I was a kid, my next-door neighbor was one of those "mean girls'.  I had a love/hate relationship with her.  I hated her for being so mean to me, but I desperately wanted her to like and accept me.  Once I was an adult and strong enough to stand on my own, then I realized she was never really my friend.  I was just the neighbor-kid she got a kick out of ridiculing for never being with the in-crowd, not having the right clothes, or being in her circle of friends.  You know the type right?  They are the kids that usually come from parents who are better off (acting snooty) and have a nicer house or better "things", and they have some sort of "entitlement" issues.  They feel like they have a right to be snooty to others and justify their actions to themselves.
Anyway - I regressed there for a moment... Sorry.
I was talking about the Mr. Y and the snow. (I have ADD)
I sent Mr. Y a message and within 3 three minutes he called me.  I have always said we are connected.  We have always had a "sixth sense" about each other.   Somehow I knew in the back of my head that the phone would ring and that it would be him.  It was about 8am and there is a 12.5 hour time difference.  I told him about our "little bit" of snow and Bunny playing in it.   He told me there was only a little bit of dirty snow left from the storm they they had a few weeks back.  We caught up for the 13 minutes before the "time-minder" said "You have two minutes remaining" and then we said our I love you's and goodbye.

On a different note - We're counting the weeks instead of the months now.   I have to worry because he is going outside the green-zone  - AGAIN.  My comfort level is demolished -  AGAIN.  I will hold my breath until I hear from him - AGAIN.

Have a great day.

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