Izzy's Armored Truck

Izzy's Armored Truck

Monday, February 28, 2011

The Power Of A 15 Minute Call

He called me.  You might not understand what a big deal this is, but trust me.  This is a BIG deal.
He's been gone since July.  There are Army wives whose husbands have longer deployments ahead of them, but it seems like a really long time to me.
He called.  I feel like a weight has been lifted.  It was considered a "Morale Call".  We had 15 minutes free to talk.  At the 13 minute mark there was a taped male voice that said "You have two minutes remaining".  We said our goodbyes. Neither wanting to let go.  He needed to sleep.
We were able to talk for 15 minutes.  I'm OK now.
I go through this every time.  It's almost like a mini-roler-coaster ride.  Here is how it feels to me:
(Picture the ascent up) He calls, reassuring me that it's all OK.  Thus begins the journey up.  I'm OK at the bottom of the hill as we climb.  As we get more distance from the last phone call or e-mail, there is a build of stress.  Finally I'm at the top and not sure I can take another day of not hearing from him and he calls.  Thus begins the descent.  I'm good and I can get through it OK.  Then, after not receiving any communication, we begin the ascent again.  The next communication received is an email and the descent begins again. It's just worry over what we have no control over and fear of worst case scenarios.
Thus goes this ride over and over.
There is an end.  He'll come home.  This will have it's own set of anxieties with it as well.  We'll talk about this in the coming weeks.  There is a dance involved (not like mythical fairies, but like a changing of the guard at Buckingham Palace).  All the wives and husbands do this dance.  I'm not ready yet.
For right now, I'm still on the comfortable ride back down.
I hope I hear from him again soon.

Feeling Tense

I'm not sure I will post this one.  This is just cathartic for me to write.

A couple of days ago (Friday the 25th) the garage door was installed.  I posted the link to the pictures on this site.  On Saturday Dad played musical cars and we took pictures of the cars in the garage to see not only how they looked, but how they fit in the garage together.  I knew this was something Mr. Y wanted to see.  He wanted to know how much room is in the garage for his projects and the cars together.  This itself isn't making me tense.  I'm tense because I sent him the pictures and he hasn't responded with any sort of communication.  There was a suicide bomber that went off 750 meters from where he was a few days ago. He sent us a message that he was fine and not to worry.  That was a few days ago.  I haven't heard from him in three days.
Mr. Y is an officer and has a desk job at ISAF.  He should be safe (for the most part), but he does have to go outside the green-zone to verify with contractors that they are compliant with their contracts.  This can be dangerous. I'd figured if he was at the base he would have seen the link and emailed something about how he doesn't have time to look but thanks for sending them or they look great we'll talk more later or something. Anything.  Nothing is the worst.
I can't even pace because I'm trapped by this stupid ankle and cast.  I know - breathe.

With the clock ticking, I'm getting more anxious by the minute.  Nothing can happen now.  It's too close. (not to say that anyone should have anything happen, ever).  But, the possibilities are frightening.  This is the way it felt when he was first deployed.  Where the routine was anything but normal and I had to try to figure out how to cope with the anxiety I was feeling.  Right now it's oppressing.  Down-right scary.  So much so that I couldn't sleep last night.  I was so freaked out by everything that I just kept making myself more stressed.  It feels like a viscous circle or ball, winding itself up tighter and tighter.   

Right now the clock's set for him to leave Afghanistan in 6 days.  I'll be able to breathe when he's home with us again.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Thursday, February 24, 2011

You call this snow?

I was so excited to see the snow.   Weathermen sounded loony when they made their predictions, and then changed them 50 times.  It was snowing pretty good outside this morning when I decided to send Chris a message about the snow.  I wished he could have been with me when we woke up to it this morning.  He's just like a kid when it comes to this kind of thing.

Dad was able to take Sarah out this morning right after breakfast to play in the snow before it all started to melt off.  This picture was taken by my neighbor Christi while we were all outside.  These are our daughters in front of her home.  It's a great picture.  They are just over a year apart.  Nice to have a kid next door to play with.
When I was a kid, my next-door neighbor was one of those "mean girls'.  I had a love/hate relationship with her.  I hated her for being so mean to me, but I desperately wanted her to like and accept me.  Once I was an adult and strong enough to stand on my own, then I realized she was never really my friend.  I was just the neighbor-kid she got a kick out of ridiculing for never being with the in-crowd, not having the right clothes, or being in her circle of friends.  You know the type right?  They are the kids that usually come from parents who are better off (acting snooty) and have a nicer house or better "things", and they have some sort of "entitlement" issues.  They feel like they have a right to be snooty to others and justify their actions to themselves.
Anyway - I regressed there for a moment... Sorry.
I was talking about the Mr. Y and the snow. (I have ADD)
I sent Mr. Y a message and within 3 three minutes he called me.  I have always said we are connected.  We have always had a "sixth sense" about each other.   Somehow I knew in the back of my head that the phone would ring and that it would be him.  It was about 8am and there is a 12.5 hour time difference.  I told him about our "little bit" of snow and Bunny playing in it.   He told me there was only a little bit of dirty snow left from the storm they they had a few weeks back.  We caught up for the 13 minutes before the "time-minder" said "You have two minutes remaining" and then we said our I love you's and goodbye.

On a different note - We're counting the weeks instead of the months now.   I have to worry because he is going outside the green-zone  - AGAIN.  My comfort level is demolished -  AGAIN.  I will hold my breath until I hear from him - AGAIN.

Have a great day.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Going Crazy

It's been nearly three weeks since I had the surgery and I am totally trapped by my lack of mobility.  I have the knee-scooter, but it requires someone to carry it up and down the stairs to go in and out of my house.  This isn't easy.  I won't be weight-bearing until somewhere in mid to late March.  Yeah - I know - it seems like forever.  It's not, it just feels like it is.  What would be totally cool is if there was a plywood ramp to the front sidewalk for me to use.  It would have to be so steep that I would be going about 30 MPH when I reached the sidewalk.  WHOO-HOOO!!!  It would be like the indy car race of the knee-scooters.  Of course there is no one here I could race.  Darn!
The knee-scooter is great for getting around my house.  Better on the hardwoods than the carpeting in the basement. Yeah, Dad carries it downstairs at night so I don't fall using the crutches in the middle of the night. Dad and I have been joking that I need a ramp to the basement to get the knee-scooter down the stairs to my room, but this would require I do some sort of acrobatic flip off of the scooter and land in bed.  Yeah - that's what I thought too.  I'm more than slightly uncoordinated. The only way I could stick that landing is if I was an Olympic gymnast.  I'M NOT!!! So much for competitive bed-landing.
As far as the weather goes - there is a forecast for snow this week.  I never expect snow when we get these "winter storm warnings" because nothing ever comes of them.  We live too close to sea level to get snow.  If for some reason we do get it, I will be ecstatic.  There is nothing more beautiful than snow on the ground.  I really like how it sparkles at night from the streetlights.  I'm ready.  I have wood on my porch (yes, I can get it myself even if it takes some doing), I have food in the fridge, and I have my Dad here helping me.  It's going to be OK, I can do this.
Thanks for still being here with me. 

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Frankenfoot and Valentines Day

This is pretty intense.  Hope you think it's as cool as I do.
Pretty Valentine and icky pictures of the stitches being removed.  If you are just curious about our weird life,  click this link for some pictures.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Homework, Inspections, and Viruses?

What a day - It (like all of the other interesting weird days) started the night before.  Sarah told me she had homework and when I pulled it out of the "homework folder" it seemed like a lot.  We sat down at the table and started in on the math problems.  There were more than I expected.  After about an hour (maybe a little more) we finished the math.  I took the time to count how many problems she completed, and it scared me. Sarah completed 75 math problems.  How many kindergarteners get that much homework?  It was nuts!

The electrical part, we ordered (and have been waiting a month for) arrived on 2-14-11.  My brother and dad installed it yesterday and dad called for the final framing and electrical inspection (which we scheduled for today).  If you had a professional electrician perform the install, then you would be assured all the bases would be covered.  Since we opted to do this ourselves, we had to know what the rules are for electrical code.  We (I don't mean me though) had to read the books, talk to the inspectors, ask the professionals, and attempt to find out all we needed to know to install it right the first time.  My brother is a genius.  He's done this sort of thing before and we know others who have recently gone through electrical renovations as well, it's what helped us get it completed.  When the inspector checked the garage the last time; he said we needed to replace one of the breakers with a master shut off.  We had to order and install the part before the inspections could be finalized.  Now that this portion is inspected, completed, and signed off on, we can install the door and the siding.  It's getting closer every minute!

Now for the weird part.  Maybe you won't think this is weird but I did.
I was in the process of writing my blog and I decided I needed another picture to replace the valentine one from yesterday.  I went onto the google-image site to find something I liked and all of a sudden the computer display went to a virus screen.  Had I been using a windows-based computer it would have crashed with 12 different viruses and a trojan.  My Mac just sent me a warning, so I called my support folks and they told me the viruses were designed for a PC, not a Mac.  The files were all .exe files and Mac doesn't recognize these.  So grateful for that one.
Just remember - not all the things you find on a search engine are good for your computer.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentine's Day 2011

Hello All!
It's about 0730 here and I received a beautiful bouquet of flowers yesterday.  I felt even more impressed that I received them a day early.  It was nice.  What made this even more special was that he sent them from 10000 miles away.  In the middle of the war, while trying to complete his master's program, he thought of me and what this day means to him.  Talk about complicated.  Wow.
Dad and I helped Sarah with her Valentine's cards and to make sure she made some extras for her "church and lunch buddies".  We were told no candy.  Sarah told us the teacher didn't want the kids bringing candy.  I thought Valentine's was all about, CANDY (if you're five)!!!  I figured the kids might get a little out of hand with so much sugar.  I also think V.  day is second in line from Halloween and third in line from Easter (as far as the candy consumption goes). Doesn't every kid load up on candy?  Not just a lover's holiday! Oh well - She will get more than her share, no doubt!
On another note - we ordered the garage door and expect it will be installed in the next couple of weeks.  I will take pictures of that and make sure they are posted on Picasa.  Once the piece for the electrical is done and the door is installed the only thing that needs to be done is the siding needs to be added.  You can't imagine how much work went into this.  It is amazing.  I want to finish the driveway but this will have to wait until there is more money.  Concrete is very expensive and not something you want to try to piece together when you have no experience.  We're not talking about a sidewalk-sized repair, we are talking about literally yards of concrete and we need to dig down four inches and level the surface from the existing driveway to the entrance of the garage.  We'll need to rent a front loader (like we did before) and lay down gravel. It's hard work!  I should ask Z (Mimi's best friend) if he needs something to do while he's home on leave.  This is the guy to call. What took us days to complete he could have done in a couple hours.  The military uses him on a larger scale.
Anyway... I hope all of you have a wonderful day.  Make sure you tell your sweetheart that you love them!

Sunday, February 13, 2011


So,  I received a notice from Multnomah County Courthouse.  My first thought was this is a  subpoena from my FM days.  I opened it (and was happy find out) that it was not the case.  I haven't had any interaction with that environment for over five years.
I received a subpoena for jury duty.  I get my stitches out on the 17th of February but will still be in a cast.  Not really a big deal but I'm not sure how I will get past security with a knee scooter.  I'll be bored out of my tree though.  I know - Read a book, do a crossword, a word-find, anything to pass the time.  I'm not going to get picked; you know that right?  You can't be married to my guy (or any of those guys or ladies) and get picked.  I would be thrown off the jury faster than you can say detective.
Well, I'll do my civic duty and show up. If you are downtown on the 10th of March, feel free to stop by and say hi. Maybe we can have coffee at the courthouse.  I'm sure I'll run into a few old friends that have either graduated from the school of FM or the bad guys that used to steal from them.  It will be fun I'm sure.

Friday, February 11, 2011

For the College Students in My Life

Usually Friday is the day where everyone takes a deep breath from the week and looks to the weekend for some well deserved R & R.  Unless you work in the service industry, law enforcement or the medical field, this is true.  The College Students are no exception to this.  They believe as I do - The weekend really is just two other regularly scheduled days.  
With Mimi working in retail (while being a full-time student) she never actually gets a day off.  She's either at work or school.
Billy works at PSU performing scientific wonders (or just some really cool experiments) on Saturdays, but he goes to school Monday thru Friday.  And the chemistry classes he takes; oh my gosh - There isn't a single person I know that can wrap their head around what he reads and understands. Maybe I just need new friends.  LOL!!!
 Michael and Meagan are stressing over grad school and trying to keep up with mountains of reading,  homework, and regular work too.  They're more than full-time students, they both have part-time jobs.  Michael mentors and Meagan works in the transcript office.  There is never enough time to go to the gym or sleep without sacrificing studying.
Tasha may be the odd-man-out this time (even though she is a woman).  This is the first year since kindergarten she hasn't spent the weekend buried in homework.  Now she is writing lesson plans for the classroom, catching up on chores, and spending time with her family and friends.  This is the way her weekend should be.
There needs to be a "weekend" in there somewhere for the students to get a break from the weight of their class loads.
I have to say it though...And I know from experience; when spring break comes, the students (and really all of the students I have ever met) feel overwhelmed by the amount of time we have on our hands.  We cram every spare second we can into catching up on what we feel we've missed. We stay up late, go to the movies, read a non-school book just for fun, get out the Wii, go camping, or just fix something that's been driving us nuts.
We play like kids for a little while until some guilty feeling has us looking at our e-mail and checking to see if our grades have been published, checking to see if we are still wait-listed for that class we need to fill the requirement for graduation.  The other part of us wants to just "get it over with" so we can graduate and have that piece of paper on our wall, so we can get a job, and get settled into the rhythmic routine of our lives.
We're all looking for that ever-elusive weekend.
Find your weekend and embrace every minute of it doing what you need to feel fulfilled.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Frankenstein Foot (And It's Not Even Halloween!)

I know - I should have waited for Halloween to post this but I couldn't resist.
Well - according to the surgeon (the Amazing Dr. Bowen) I now have a very stable right ankle.  Knowing there is a cadaver tendon inside it (performing great feats of stabilization, no pun intended), makes me wonder if I'm going to break out in the moon walk at any moment.
Kind of gruesome!
I won't get the stitches out for another week.  Then I will be moving to a fiberglass cast.  Still off of it for the next 8 weeks.

Dad has been helping me out since I got out of the hospital.  I say that but it really means that he has been here making Sarah's breakfast and her lunch and helping me to stay off it by helping with all of the other chores.  Dad stayed at our home while I stayed with Mom for the first three days after surgery.

I have to be patient.  The worst thing for me would be if I jump the gun and try to be on my foot before it's healed.  I would be no better off than I was a month ago.
Well, since I can't think of anything more witty to say, I will leave you with that ugly image.
I love you all!

Thursday, February 3, 2011


I'm not trying to be a baby about this but it HURTS!
I went to sleep last night and still had the effects of the nerve block.  I was pretty comfortable.  I slept until 8 am and when I woke up it felt so painful.  I felt like the doc had just drilled into the long bone of my leg.  I could feel that he drilled into my foot.  I immediately took 2 of the pain pills he prescribed and wondered if I would be able to control it.  I laid there for a few minutes and thought about what I had just gone through and then I decided I was in charge of this and even though it hurt like a few four-lettered words I know, I wasn't going to let it get the best of me.
With Bunny successfully Kathy's Daycare for the day I was going to make the most of my recovery.  I'm going to do exactly what the doc said: Rest, Ice & Elevation.
I wish Chris was here to take care of me.  I miss him.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Surgery Today

There are so many details I need to share before I go under the knife.
I was trying to give some  of the these to Dad.  One was Bunny's ballet class today  She needs to be dressed for class.  Who was going to do it?  She needed to be undressed to her underwear and I certainly didn't want a non-family member to be the one.  Not that I distrust anyone that I or my children associate with, but I didn't want to place them in an uncomfortable situation.
The look on my Dad's face, when I told him he needed to put Sarah's hair up for ballet, was the look you get when you just asked a construction worker to perform brain surgery. He looked like he was going to freak out. It was priceless.  Sorry Dad. We love you.
I had to look at it from an outsider's point of view: How would you know how all of these things work if you didn't have someone provide the intricate details.  What does Bunny eat for lunch. What is her homework project. What kind of dance shoes does Bunny need and where are they? Are there hair-ties in her dance bag?
The truth is that I'm up and it's 0415 and I'm worrying about these details.  Thank you insomnia.  I've tried like hell to remember everything I can but I'm sure I will miss something.  Let's just hope it's not a life-threatening detail.  I'll try to post pictures later of this reconstruction. Not going to be pretty but maybe I can augment the scar with a tattoo to cover or accent it.
AND yes I will be able to attend the annual testosterone fest in the mountains in October where I can watch the cavemen beat their chests and grunt. Without this surgery I wouldn't be able to walk the trails with my Dad and Mr. Y.  Love you guys!
It will be fine.