Izzy's Armored Truck

Izzy's Armored Truck

Monday, January 31, 2011

It's Monday the 31 of January

Today is the last day of the month.  It might not seem like much but there is a tremendous amount of planning going on for this week.  This week there is a surgery and only 2.5 days of school.  Sarah will go to Kathy's Daycare (I've sang her praises in earlier blogs) for the time she is not in school and ballet.  Payday is tomorrow and that means I have bills to pay and it needs to be done before I'm incoherent for a few days following surgery.  I also need to order an overhead garage door so we can take the UGLY plywood off the outside and get started with the regular siding.  There should be some sort of framing and electrical inspections done this week as well.
If you think this is a walk in the park, you are sadly mistaken.  There are lunches to be made for the pickiest child on the planet. Groceries need to be purchased for the house while I am recuperating at Mom's place. The Jetta needs gas, and I have been searching in vain for a book of stamps so I can mail a valentine card to Mr. Y.  Everything takes so long to get there and I'm not the best at planning ahead.
That's what I'm doing though; planning ahead for the worst case scenarios.  Our worst case scenarios would make most people hide under the covers for fear that something bad could and possibly will happen.  I can't live my life like that.  I have to go on the assumption that things will always work out for the better.
I worry about little things like "if I pick up those pair of crutches, to move them to the attic, am I doomed to fall and need them?"  It's the reason I haven't gotten the mammogram this year of had the blood test to make sure my maintenance levels are ok.  I'm more scared of those things.  An ending (truly nothing more than an eventuality) doesn't scare me.

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