Izzy's Armored Truck

Izzy's Armored Truck

Saturday, January 22, 2011

OK, I know~ It's Been a While!

There seems to be a certain bit of anxiety in my air this week.
I should have posted earlier but there always seems to be something in the way.
Last night I was sure Al (my wonderful kitty of 13 years or so) was vomiting outside my bedroom door and he staggered into my room and collapsed in my closet.  Please don't think it cruel of me, but I thought if he died, it would be better if he died with me than in a cold unfeeling veterinary office.  I picked him up and listened to his breathing and his heart.  His breathing was a little shallow (I guess because I have never been formally trained in the veterinary arts) but his heartbeat was regular and strong. I held him until I fell asleep.  At some point I must have crawled back into bed but I don't remember it.  I know I was up with him until well after 2 am.  At 615 my internal clock said it was time to get up (either that or it was my need to pee) and my second thought was that if Al had passed away in the night I wouldn't want Bunny to find him that way.  I raised my head from the pillow and he was standing at the edge of my bed purring at me rather loudly.  I let him out of my room because if I needed to pee so did he.  I went to the bathroom and then crawled back into bed and he went about his merry day as if nothing was wrong.  He did the same kneading thing on my skin when I picked him up as he always does.  He ate, drank water, and didn't vomit or anything.  Who knows why things happen the way they do.
On another medical note -
I went to the surgeon a couple of days ago.  Yeah, I know another surgery... He said this would be a two hour operation to rebuild my right ankle.  It will take a couple of guide-wires, 4 screws and a "donor tendon graft" to put it together again.  I've been through the boot and then the brace.  Nothing.  When I pick up my foot when I'm walking it hangs in an uncomfortable way.  I also keep trying to help Bunny practice her ballet and tap steps and it hurts.  Not just hurt, but aches terribly when I sit cross-legged with Bunny or when I drive too.  This happened in the beginning of October. I had to quit school because I couldn't walk the campus for my classes.  I need it to be done already.  It's depressing.  I hate this body.  I am more than happy with my brain, but my body is a whole other issue.   It just lets me down when I need it.  I'm only 43 freaking years old and it acts like I've been skydiving for the last 20 years (no offense Kirk).  All my joints are shot and there is no reason it should have failed.  Not trying to whine, just keeping it real.  I'll keep posting if you will keep reading.
Thanks for being here.

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