Izzy's Armored Truck

Izzy's Armored Truck

Monday, December 6, 2010

This Has Been a Tough Week (And It's Only Monday)

Last week bled over into this week and Bunny was sick.  She stayed home for 2 days with a really bad cold.  Then on Saturday night she was sick in the middle of the night and "vominated" in our bed.  Yuk, but there is nothing in this world that will make you move out of bed faster than a kid that's vomiting.
Vomit doesn't bother me that much.  I can roll with things pretty comfortably.  I just don't multitask very well at 3 am.
Before the end of summer term, the kids and I were taking Bunny for a walk with Kozmo.  My neighbor Alex was with a friend of his and we came up to him, with the dog, and before I was able to warn Alex's friend that Kozmo wasn't friendly, he reached down to pet him and Kozmo didn't even flinch.  He just bit him.   It drew blood and I freaked out.  I couldn't even believe that he had done it.  Alex's friend's hand healed and I knew I had to keep an eye out for unusual behavior.  Could this be the start of something?  Whatever it was, I was uneasy.  I called Chris he told me that there are legal actions that could stop anything from happening (legally speaking) to our family while he's gone.  Nothing ever happened with the county getting involved in that situation, but there was always the possibility.  Well - the reason I'm giving you the background is because Kozmo bit someone else today.  It was my fault and there is no reason to try to excuse it.  Kozmo wanted out into the backyard and I opened the door to let him out and there were men working in our yard.  These particular guys have been working here for the last month helping my dad with the garage.  Kozmo has never had an issue with any of them and I was shocked that Kozmo bit him when Kevin tried to pet him.  Once again, my heart hit rock bottom. This was his second and final chance.  It's over, but Dad wants me to keep the dog until Mr. Y returns.  He thinks it's safer than to have Bunny and I alone.  Kozmo has never shown and aggressive behavior toward any of the family members.  If anything, he has tried to lick us to death.  I have never seen a more loyal dog.  None of this started until after Mr. Y left and I wonder if it has anything to do with him being gone?  I know it sounds strange, but maybe we are needing protection and projecting this thing onto him and he is responding to it.  It's hard to guess what's going on in his little doggie brain.
To top it off, the Bunny's precious blankie was chewed on by Kozmo and he left a hole in the lower corner of the blanket.  She fell asleep with her "back-up blankie" that GrrrrrPa gave her when she was a baby.  It will do when blankie is in the wash, but that's about it.  I'm praying it makes it through the wash.  We are having one specially sewn by the lady that works at the cleaners.  It's going to cost me a couple of hundred dollars, but Sarah picked it out and she asks every day when will it be done.  She promised me before Christmas, but we can only hope.  Only when we get the new one will we retire the one she has been sleeping with since she was born.
Such a heavy heart today.
FYI. - the gables are up and the roof is on,  Concrete floor will be poured on Wednesday at 10 am.
Thank you as always for listening.  I hope you know how much I appreciate you.

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