Izzy's Armored Truck

Izzy's Armored Truck

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Rough Week

This has been a rough week for me.  Besides the hectic schedule, there was an extremely painful cortisone shot that made me break out in hives.  It was itchy and hot and extremely uncomfortable.  I was told by the doc to go home and take benedryl.  It didn't help as much as I thought it would.  No more of that for me.
I took my exam yesterday and I have no idea if I passed.  I can only hope.  It was the hardest test I have ever taken.  The room was freezing.  I had a heavy down jacket and a scarf on and was still shivering.  Not the best environment for a national exam.
I bought a video camera for Sarah's Christmas pageant and can't seem to get it to interface with any of the computers.  I expected it wouldn't work with the MAC, but I thought I would be able to get it to work with the regular PC.  I'm going to have to spend some time on it.  Right now I need to make sure the tree is finished, the ornament boxes are put away and the rest of the place is cleaned up.  I also have to finish the Christmas shopping.  I won't tell you how much I spent on shipping to get the things I need by Christmas.  I should have planned ahead. UGH!!!  I guess I should qualify that... I couldn't really shop until we had the money and we didn't have the money until the 15th.  Once payday came I was fighting with a sore foot and spine, studying for a national exam; planning Christmas and every other detail involved with being the responsible person.  The whole thing made me really sad.  I went to Fred Meyer to buy a few things and had the overwhelming desire to sit on the floor in the middle of the aisle and cry.  I was so frustrated by every aspect of my life.  Marissa's boyfriend looked at me last night and said to me, "You know Ms Y one day you won't be able to do all of this and then what will you do?"  I can't tell you how loudly I wanted to scream, at that particular  moment, I didn't want any of this.  A kid needs both parents.  Maybe not together at the same time but still both parents to shoulder the responsibility.  I am overwhelmed.  It's not just Bunny, but her requirements for school; keeping the house clean; doing the laundry; paying the bills and being the babysitter every extra minute of the day.  I could hire out the housekeeping,  but Michael keeps promising that he will clean the house.  I just need help right now and I feel alone.  I need to suck it up and pull up my big girl panties.  I'm not a baby, but I needed to give myself a pep-talk.
I know it will get better.  Just give me a minute to gather my thoughts and clear my head.  I will prevail!

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