Izzy's Armored Truck

Izzy's Armored Truck

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

It's Another One Of Those Things I Leave for Him!

When Bunny and I woke up this morning the house was FREEZING!!!  I came up the stairs and looked at the thermostat and saw that it said "low bat".  I was congratulating myself on having just purchased and new "economy pack" of said batteries and thinking I was really smart to have purchased them when I did.  I will never say out loud that I actually bought them as replacement batteries for the Wii.  That would be just inflammatory to the thermostat when it was in it's time of mourning.
I took the brand-new batteries out of their adult-proof packaging and took the cover off of the thermostat.  I took the old ones out and quickly replaced them with the new ones.  The message didn't instantly change to "gee I feel better" and the heat didn't turn on to it's programmed usual fuzzy warm temperature.  I was starting to panic.  I was also in the middle of getting Sarah ready for school and there is a certain amount of bustle in the house.
OK - I'll build a fire in the fireplace.  That's a good fix to the daughter that was complaining that it was cold.  OK - where is that lighter that I saw a month or so ago?  Since none of us smoke, matches are sort of an anomaly here in the house.  I knew I had some,  ah - here they are and poof there is a fire to take care of the silly junk mail that seems to increase around the holidays.  Now for the kindling and firewood to keep this going until I can figure out the thermostat.  Oh yeah - I still need to get her ready to go to school and go back to tinkering with the thermostat.
Once the Bunny was dressed and cozily in front of the fireplace with her bowl of Kix, I went back to the thermostat.  I re-read the directions (again) and traded the brand-new batteries for some more brand-new batteries thinking there may be something wrong with the other brand-new batteries.  Nothing. GRRR!
By now, my Dad came to walk the dog and I had him look at it and he can fix most anything, but he was not at his best this morning as he was fasting for a blood test.  That would make anyone out of sorts.  He didn't have any more luck than I did.  It still said "low bat" and I had tried three different pairs of brand-new batteries.  Dad took Bunny to school and I told him I would look on line for a manual to see if there was any trouble shooting I could do or any advice I could get from people who had faced the same dilemma. To my surprise (wink wink) there were several places with more advice than one person could absorb in a morning.
All I had to do was to reverse the polarity of the batteries and this would cause the system to reset.
Bingo - all problems solved.  New batteries in place and with a cup of coffee in hand I went on to reset the weekday and weekend programming of the thermostat.  I set it for reality, not fantasy land.  If I were programming it for fantasy, I would be sleeping till 9 and wouldn't need it to come on before then.  But, since this is the real world, I programmed it for 630 and if Mr. Y. needs to adjust it when he gets home, then the more power to him.
Yes - I can do this, but it's one of those things I would rather leave for him.
Thanks for being here!

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