Izzy's Armored Truck

Izzy's Armored Truck

Friday, October 8, 2010

Unusual Events Make for Interesting Conversation

Today was a busy day for me.  Tonight will be no different.  If you live in the Portland Metro area then you might have heard MHCC evacuated their campus today due to a bomb threat.  I was in the computer lab and the alarm went off.  "This is not a drill. Please evacuate immediately. Take your personal belongings and evacuate immediately. This is not a drill!"  I was able to get someone to tell me what was going on at the school and there was a bomb threat.  They were taking it seriously.  There were 2 Gresham Fire trucks and at least 6 Gresham Police cars. 
I have a different feeling about these things than the average public.  The average public thinks this is nothing more than a reason to get out of class for a few minutes.  To me it means an IED in a safe-place and could harm me.  I think of this differently than most of you because of where Mr. Y. is.  IED's in Afghanistan are common, here, not so much.  Do you remember the bomb that went off in the bank in Woodburn a last year?  It killed a couple of the local police.  Why is it that most people don't take these seriously as I do?  I don't know.  The idea of pink mist kinda grosses me out.  Maybe people are under the assumption that nothing will happen to them.  I don't know why though.  Don't you remember when the teacher told you to "never assume it makes an ass out of you and me."
Maybe we should remember that none of us are replaceable!

1 comment:

Meagan said...

I remember the bomb threat at my work a year ago. I think depending on your location and the time of the year, each threat is understood differently. Of course, there are students who are excited for an excuse to get out of class. For me, and as for you, it is seen very differently. I work in a location where we come across many unstable students...Even more reason to understand the consequences of our decision to take the threat seriously. I am glad that you are ok, even though your nerves are probably shot. It will be ok.