Izzy's Armored Truck

Izzy's Armored Truck

Friday, October 8, 2010

Phone Call From OSI

I know if you read the previous post about the bomb threat at school you would have understood the stress it caused me.  Let me tell you, it just got worse from there.
Mimi and I were in the dining room and we were just talking when the land-line phone rang.  I looked at the caller ID and it was MCChord AFB.  My heart rate just doubled.  I know - panic for nothing right?
It was Mr. Y.'s boss from OSI.  The first question he asked me was if anyone from OSI had contacted me.  WHAT?  What's that supposed to mean?  Of course my heart-rate doubled again.  I think it was beating so fast it could have jumped out of my chest. I told him "no" and I was very hesitant about the answer.  Why should they have called me?  Was something wrong?  I just spoke with Mr. Y. last night on a morale call.  There is a 11.5 hr time difference between PDX and Kabul.  They are ahead.  When he called me last night it was already Friday morning.  This means (I have this internal dialogue is going on while I am trying to maintain composure) that anything could have happened between the time he called me and the time his boss was calling me.
OK - so I'm not trying to freak out and Mimi is looking at me and mouthing the words "who is it?" I mouth back the words "OSI and she's nearly on her feet with panic,  So am I, but I'm trying really hard not to freak out.  Slayton goes on to tell me he has Mr. Y.'s body armor.  Then I'm freaking out a little more and ask if he was there in country without it.  I was reassured that he has heavy body armor for his tour there and the one Slayton was speaking of was what the OSI uses for local missions.
OK - I feel better. Wait - No I don't!
He then asked me if I knew where is was.  Since he deployed out from the east coast, Slayton didn't know what date he would arrive in country.  Also since Mr. Y. isn't assigned to the McChord unit, they don't have any paperwork on him.  They just happened to receive his vest because he was at McChord for pre-deployment training when he ordered it.  It makes sense.  Maybe not to you, but it does to me.
I gave him the out date and then Slayton wanted to apologize that no one else had contacted me from OSI.  I should know how this goes by now.  I told him that the phone number he called from was a familiar one and since I knew where the call originated from it worried me.  He assured me that if he was calling, it would be a good thing.  Showing up in person however, was not a good thing.
Slayton asked me if I had his card with his personal cell number and I assured him I did.  He reminded me I should call him day or night if I was having any problems.  I thanked him and then hung up.  I can't tell you how stressed I was; and today couldn't have been worse.  Exam at 0800, bomb threat at 1130 and then this.  The good part about today was that I was able to have dinner with Abuelita, Mikey, Tasha, and Sarah.  Then Billy, Sarah and I put a puzzle together after dark.
Tomorrow is sure to be a better day!
Stick with me for this OK?  Talk to you then!

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