Izzy's Armored Truck

Izzy's Armored Truck

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Once again, life under construction!

Changes are coming.
On Thursday Bunny and I got on a plane and headed for Spokane to see the hubster for the last time before he heads to Afghanistan.
The grass and land fires had the sky so hazy here that you couldn't even see the sun.  So glad that only lasted for Thursday.
We had dinner together had the equivalent of a quiet evening at home.  We are staying in TLF (temp living facility) on the base.
On Friday we went to the waterfront in downtown Spokane and Bunny got to play on an inflatable slide.  We rode the tram up to the falls and then took a little train tour.  It was fun and Bunny was so happy to see her daddy. I became invisible again.
On Saturday we were invited by one of Chris' OSI coworkers home. In my life, I have never met a more generous family.
Mark has 7 kids and lives outside of Spokane by about 30 minutes.  
He took us out on his boat on the Coeur D' Alene Lake and the Spokane River.  It threatened rain, but turned out to be a beautiful day.  We spent about 5 hours on the boat.  During that time he took us into the marina at Coeur D' Alene for a burger at a famous burger joint called Hudson's.  It was one of the best burgers I have ever had.  The folks that work there are more friendly than any I have ever met.  They had a conversation with Bunny and seemed genuinely interested in what she had to say.
It was great and there were so many places to camp along the river.  I have lots of ideas on where to take the trailer next summer.  Beautiful parks that are close enough to walk down to the water and play in the shallow areas for the kids or swim out to deeper water for the swimmers.
When we came back Mark and his family fed us dinner.  Like I said, more than generous.  It was so nice of them to take us out on the boat and feed us lunch before we left and dinner when we came back.
Sadly, today we have to come home.  I have already had to wipe Bunny's tears away whens she said "I want to stay with Daddy!". and of course at this age she has no idea of linear time and that it will be months before she sees him again.
Of course Chris and I had to have "the talk".  If you are in the military or the spouse of military personnel, you know the talk I mean.  What to do in case I'm captured, who to call if you have questions, and most importantly to have faith.  
Faith - I'm working on that one.  I have to be the strong one because in the coming months, Bunny will look to me for the strength she needs to get through the holidays and her first year of school.
Thank you to the rest of my family for standing with me during the difficult times.
Once again, life under construction!

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