Izzy's Armored Truck

Izzy's Armored Truck

Monday, August 30, 2010

Coming Home

Yesterday when I woke up, Mr. Y had a bad cold.  I let him sleep in even though it was the last day he would get to spend with Bunny before we came home and he deployed out to Afghanistan.  I figured he needs to be well rested for the task in front of him.
Before he left for the pre-deployment training, I took the prayer cards out of his bullet-proof vest that he wears for the police bureau and placed them into his bullet-proof vest he will wear for the military.  Those of you who know me well, know that I'm not very religious.  Mr. Y is - to a point.  The prayer cards are traditional catholic ones. We also pinned the St. Michael to his vest, and now all of the little "charms" that I found some comfort in, are with him.
Before I left for Spokane, I ordered a survival bracelet for myself and for Mr. Y.  The cause is near and dear to my heart. it's the "Wounded Warrior Project" and part of the proceeds go to support the project.
I wanted Mr. Y to have one of these before he left. Just in case.  Of course right after he opened it he told me they advised him to change out his bootlaces for paracord (which is what the survival bracelet is made of).  He reminded me he can't wear this in uniform.  Where there is a will, there is a way!  He put it on and that made me smile.  I told him he needed to be safe.  He brought up the topic of what I am to do in case he is captured and how to handle things.  All of our affairs are in order, so that really isn't a problem.  Still, this topic gave me a very uneasy feeling.  He reminded me to have faith.  Like I said in my last post, I'm working on that.  It doesn't come easy for people like me.
He went back to bed for a couple of hours and I woke him up 2 hrs before our flight left and asked for a ride to the airport.  He got up and drove us to the airport.  And here we are, the three of us, standing in the airport in Spokane and Bunny is crying because she doesn't want to leave and I have a bad feeling about the whole situation.   I wonder (somewhere in my mind) is this the last time I will see him?  Is this the last time Sarah will hug her father?
Afghanistan is a different animal than it was when he was there in 2004.  Back then his job was more dangerous than this one, but he will be in a city where there are IED's going off daily.  Afghanistan is more deadly than ever for the American and Allied forces.  The death counts are posted in the weekly paper the Air Force prints.  The thought of this puts a lump in my throat that nearly chokes me.  Still, I say goodbye and turn before the tears cloud my vision.  I am supposed to be the strong one for Bunny to lean on.   A deep breath.  I can do this.  We enter the secure area and start taking off our shoes and placing our things into the bins to be x-rayed. then on to the plane to take us home.
When we come home, there is the traditional chaos that comes with walking into your home.  The animals want your attention, there is a stack of unopened mail - bills, reminders that life goes on no matter what stress you are currently under.  Now that I am composed since our last time together, I call Mr. Y to let him know we are home safe and say goodnight before I put bunny to bed.
I am strong.  I can do this.
Tomorrow will be a new day.  School will be starting in a couple of weeks for the kids and I.  We will still try to get together for meals a couple of times per week to reconnect.  Dad and Mom are here for us if we need help.  There is always something that will maintain our focus on the here and now.

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