Izzy's Armored Truck

Izzy's Armored Truck

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Forgot to Share This...

Have you just ever wondered what the government was thinking when they do some of the things they do?
I got this postcard in the mail the other day and even commented on it on FB.  How F'd up do you think it is?  I tried to upload it, but apparently Blogger.com doesn't support this media type.  I will try to figure out a way so you can see it for yourselves.  It is for Death Benefits for military personnel and their family members.  On the front of the card it says ""Veterans Funeral Care. On Behalf of a Grateful Nation"
Please - You know me right?  You know where my family is right now right?  Don't send this crap to me.  Don't you think we worry enough as it is? 
Personally, I'm saving this postcard to show him when he gets back.
Cheers my friends!

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