Izzy's Armored Truck

Izzy's Armored Truck

Monday, March 12, 2012

Things are always in motion

On February 10th, the gentleman working the back parts counter put in his 2-week notice.  Ordinarily that would mean time to train the person taking over and there would be a general changing of the guard.  In the case of our office, the gentleman accepted an offer from a competitor.  This meant his last day on the job was the same day he turned in his notice.  The gentleman (let's just call him Frank) was very good at his job, but was dissatisfied in his current position.  He wanted more and let's face it, it's hard to make a change after 10 years at the same place.  He left and that left all of us in the parts department to fill in the gaps.
After about three days the back parts counter starting to get out of hand.  There was no consistency and the service techs were helping themselves to whatever they needed to get the job done.  There was one instance that my boss asked me if I knew why there was a 300 dollar part sitting on the counter and if I knew what job it was for.  I said no, but I'm more than willing to find out what goes to what.  I went right up to the shop supervisor and asked him what that part was there and what job it belonged to.  I was given immediate results.  Nobody scares me.
Apparently this action turned heads and I was asked to fill in until they could hire someone.  At the end of the month, I was told they were doing interviews and that they were looking to fill the position immediately.  Of course I applied.  I love working the back counter and I love the techs.  They are smart and in some cases worldly. I've never been treated like a dumb girl.  They take the time to teach me new things every day.  I feel like I'm evolving every minute I'm back there.
I knew it wasn't the company's desire to have me in back, but out front where I can be visible and helpful to the walk-in customers.  I told them I was cool with whatever their decision would be.
They hired a new guy and it was my job to show him the ropes.  It was kind of complicated because I'm still new and learning as well.  It was all good though.  No matter what I was still employed by a company I love and working with great people.
On Friday of last week (the 9th and nearly one month later) I was called into the boss's office (along with the new guy I was training).  We were sat down and told that I was going to be working the back parts counter and the new guy was going to be taking over my place at the front counter.  What a shocker right?  There was no other discussion about this.  I thought I didn't get the job and then they just dropped it into my lap.  I have no idea how that could have happened and I was told by my boss that he made best the decision for the company.
I'm so happy to be back there.  I put gum on the counter for the guys that work in the shop and even the receptionist and the drivers.  There are so many smiles.  Its nice to have an environment that feels like family to work for.  Even if it is kinda dysfunctional.  :)

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