Izzy's Armored Truck

Izzy's Armored Truck

Monday, February 27, 2012


Once again insomnia is my bed partner and I'm up while the sane are sleeping.
Yesterday I woke up with a different sense of purpose and knew I was going to do something a little different for me.  I've been unhappy with my weight for sometime.  I have a gym membership but never go.  Usually when I have the time to go to my gym they aren't open or I have Sarah with me and there isn't someone to watch her. Go figure huh?
I went to Sports Authority at Cascade Station and bought an elliptical trainer.  The price was A$1099.00, but was on sale for $599. It was the middle of the road model that had some nice features without the 3k price tag.
Mimi's boyfriend and I shoved it down the stairs (because there was no way we were lugging it up the stairs) and took it out of the box and brought up the pieces individually.
After 2 hours (and more than a few curse words) we finished assembling it in the computer room.
Izzy didn't say anything to me about the purchase.  I was more than prepared for my argument.  This is MY version of liposuction and I want to be in good shape for the rest of my future. I will never be physically perfect, but I won't be shallow enough to get cosmetic surgery to fix my imperfections or take the place of regular exercise.
This is the beginning of my journey. My weight is 223 and I'm 5'8.5".  My goal is 185.  I think I can be there by November.
On a side note:
I had a tumor removed that was growing on top of my ribcage  It was the size of a pancake and about two inches thick.  It was a fatty tumor and was pressing on my ribs when I breathe and exerted myself.  It was huge (to me at least) and I feel so much better now that she removed it.
I get my stitches out on Wednesday.  I'm sure it's nothing and we will just move on from here.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Looking Back

I took some time today to look at and read over the previous posts from this blog.
Apparently there are some things left unfinished:
I didn't get to keep the service writer job at xxx.
I was fortunate enough to find an equally rewarding position at xxxxx. I do believe everything happens for a reason! I make more money and don't have to work any overtime!
Izzy finished his MBA in December.
The twins lost about 250lbs between the two of them. They are thinner now than when they were in high school. They look amazing and I am ever so proud of them!!!!!
Spocky turned a year old on February 2, and is now full grown at 45 pounds. He looks like a greyhound!
Holidays passed, time passed, but my friendships have been a constant positive force in my world! Thank you to Pegi, Karen, Nikol, Danny, Rick, and all of the girls in my cohort. With you, all things are possible!!!

When was the last time you...?

OK- when was the last time you hugged your best friend?
When was the last time you went out of your way to help someone you don't know?
When was the last time you volunteered somewhere?
What is your best friend's strongest attribute?
Sometimes I think we forget these simple things in the course of our busy days.
I'm fortunate enough to have a very close family and very close friends. People around me are always willing to give more of themselves than they expect in return.
Please give more of yourself than you thought you could. Others will appreciate it and you may find yourself a little richer in your emotional bank account!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

So many things have happened...

Since my last post our oldest daughter was diagnosed with type-1 diabetes.
This one of those random events that just happened and none of us were expecting it.
She called me from work and told me she was feeling really bad and wanted me to pick her up at work and take her to the hospital. I got to her place of employment and she looked like she wasn't feeling good. I drove her to Adventist hospital and they weren't jammed into the gunnels with patients. They took us right in and immediately started with blood work. Within about 10 minutes the PA was in the room telling us that her blood sugar was too high. I thought about it and remember way back to about two years ao when were told the same thing by one of the Providence ER docs, but there never seemed to be any conversation other than it was high. This time there was a number associated to it. It was 660. Less than 30 minutes went by and there was an RN in Mimi's room with a syringe in her hand and she was explaining that we needed to get her blood sugar down. At that point the supervising ER doc came in and introduced herself. I'm embarrassed that I don't remember her name, but that was the least of my concern that night. She told us that Mimi was a type-1 diabetic and would need insulin to control this. I'm also embarrassed to say that there are plenty of warning signs and none of them added up to diabetes. This was Oct 12, 2011.
There have been many challenges since then. We are always trying to find the right balance between Humalog and Lispro. Now we are trying to preserve kidney function. This means blood pressure medications and trying to find another balance within her body. Mimi is determined to continue as if life hasn't changed. Her new boyfriend feels sad that she can't have dessert. She was quick to point out that she could have dessert, just not as much and to watch her sugar levels.
My biggest shock was how much birthcontroll pills affect her sugar levels. She went from almost normal to nearly double. There has to be an alternative to the pill that won't mess with her sugar levels.
She will find that balance eventually!