Izzy's Armored Truck

Izzy's Armored Truck

Monday, June 20, 2011

One Month To The Day

Once again insomnia is my bed partner.
I started a new job and changed colleges, so there are many things that have me uneasy.  These things don't mesh well with sleep.
The job seems to be all-too familiar.  Its nearly the same job I had a few years back, but smaller scale and no psycho cube-neighbor. Nice because I understand what most of what the techs are doing.  As far as entering their time on the job sheets and making sure the right hours get charged to the right job, it's pretty much the same (just different codes and people instead of vendors).  There is also someone there who understands this is where the profitability is; I can ask questions at this job without fear that I will get screamed at by the psycho.  Amazing. Oh and the boss wanted to know if I could start coming in early and staying late (including Saturdays) starting next week.  That didn't take long.  So glad to be in a place where I feel wanted and appreciated.  It's going good.
As far as the reason I changed colleges goes - I was feeling the pressure of wanting to have this completed. I feel kinda like I've played at this degree without enough direction.  I seriously thought about completing it at PSU, but the thought of paying for parking would kill me.  Warner Pacific is nearly the same distance without downtown traffic.  I also don't have anyone to compete with at WP.  My boys (graduating with honors) footsteps are too big to follow in.
Yeah - I know I'm not competing for anything, but I also didn't want to compare my experience with theirs.  They don't have kids and full-time jobs.  That's enough to make you settle for "B's" for grades.  I don't want straight A's.  I just want to complete my degree.  I want to be done.  I want that damn piece of paper to hang on my wall.  I need it for me.  Sure, I could have gone to the degree mill and bought one but what would that have done for me?  NOTHING.  I want to work for it.  I need the sense of accomplishment.
That being said, I'm starting to get sleepy.  Sweet dreams to you.
By the way, It's been a month to the day since my last post.  I haven't forgotten you.
Love you.

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