Izzy's Armored Truck

Izzy's Armored Truck

Friday, March 18, 2011

Slowing Down

Now that Mr. Y is at home and is more or less adjusted to Daylight Savings Time, we are starting to adjust to each other and the routine we had when he left.  Maybe I should say that I'm adjusting to him being home.  He, however, is now learning what routine Bunny has; where she needs to be dropped off and picked up; what days she has ballet, and when to order hot lunch for the following weeks.
Life is all about the details isn't it?
I got the cast off yesterday.  Feels good to be able to move the foot and wash it.  It's still really swollen, but I'm able to begin weight bearing now.  I have to retrain it to learn to walk on it. I can't wait to get out of the boot.  I know - I said the same thing about the cast.   :)
I haven't broken out in the moon walk just yet, but sometimes I can feel it twitching in the boot to some unheard tune.
Maybe there will be some dancing in my future....
For now we are adjusting to the routines and the presence of each other.
See you on the 26th for the party!  I promise to post pictures we take!
Take care!

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