Izzy's Armored Truck

Izzy's Armored Truck

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Nearly A Month Between Posts These Days

Hi to all!

School schedule and work are keeping me from spending any personal time blogging or doing anything else that I enjoy.  We're kind of stalled on the garage.  My dad is tied up taking care of my mom and there are vacations and all such manner of things.
Spock is growing like a weed.  He's close to 30 pounds now.  He was only 5lbs when we picked him up from OHS.  He's healthy and happy.  His favorite new toy is a frisbee.  Man that dog can run and jump.
Sarah started swim lessons this week.  She's the oldest, the tallest, and the least experienced in the water. I hope she enjoys it.  It's such an important part of growing up!
I gotta finish getting ready for work (which is amazing).
I hope you have a great day!
I love you my friend!

Friday, July 8, 2011

I Keep Telling Myself This is Only Temporary

I'm sure not everyone has the same take on life that I do.
This week has been an absolute blur.
I worked 6.5 hours of overtime last week.  That made it slip by.  This week there will be no overtime because I'm a new employee and you have to be with the company for 6 months to see the benefits of a holiday weekend.
It was good.  I spent the whole Fourth of July weekend in the backyard trying to make it habitable by humans.  It was barely habitable by Spock.  Now I'm not ashamed to invite a friend over for a beer or a bbq.
Spock has really come into his own.  He is taking his place as the protector of Sarah and I.  Tonight he was guarding the backdoor.  He was fierce in his protection of us from some unknown shadow he saw. Do dogs imagine movements?  I know they anticipate them.  Anyone who has ever thrown a ball to a dog knows they can anticipate your every flex of muscle. I don't know what Spock saw but he went berserk barking at it.  As soon as he thought the danger was gone he came downstairs and climbed in bed with Sarah and snuggled up against her.  Love is simple and basic between a girl and her dog.
Glad to still have you here!